Two Monkeys, One Typewriter

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I'm Not Dead Yet...

I feel happy! I feel happy!

I know, it’s been a while. Thanks to all of you who asked when the next installment was coming, it means a lot to me knowing how much you enjoy my writing.

I haven’t been in a great place emotionally. It was early October when I was diagnosed with leukemia and began treatments. We caught the first available flight to Primary Children’s in SLC, I underwent two weeks of intensive treatment (most of which I don’t remember), and we were back in Boise in time for Halloween. (I dressed up as a chemotherapy patient. Most authentic costume ever.) And even though it’s been 25 years my subconscious reminds me like clockwork.

Other than that, things have been reasonably good. My parents came to visit me over Labor Day weekend. They recently upgraded their travel trailer so they’re more comfortable on long trips. They made a nice long two-week jaunt of it, staying at some nice place in California on their way up, then traveling up to Redfish Lake after visiting me. It’s a gorgeous place in the Sawtooth Mountain Range, and was named for the sturgeon that would swim en masse back from the ocean to breed and die. last I remember, the dams installed fish ladders so some could continue to make the trip.

But for me, perhaps the most notable thing is that the next weekend, on their way back to CA, they helped me get rid of my old mattress. I bought a Casper probably nine months ago, but since I live alone it was prohibitively difficult to get rid of the 10-year-old Serta. So instead I leaned it up against the wall between my laundry closet and entryway. Sure, I had to move it three feet when I needed to wash my clothes, but Azunyan had a great perch and scratching post. So when it was gone that spot just seemed too lonely.

I’m shocked and insulted by the accusation that I spoil my cat. Now if you’ll excuse me, her pillow needs fluffing.

She was extremely “helpful” throughout the entire process. But it was gratifying to see her enjoying her new toy, and she still has a perch to sit on and talk to me when I get home from work.

Never forget.

Also contributing to my depression is how utterly idiotic we are as a species. How the computer and Internet, milestones of science, technology, and cooperation, allow people with the sketchiest understanding of all three to deny their benefits. How we believe the propaganda of profiteers over evidence-based understanding. Seriously, when did facts become debatable? When did our survival as a species become a political issue? It frustrates the hell out of me. So once again I need to withdraw myself from any kind of news which really sucks because these are important issues that many of my friends care about and discuss. The intelligent, attractive, kind and loving ones. You know who you are.

That’s right, it’s all of you. :-*

We’re one, but we’re not the same; we get to carry each other